Frequently Asked Questions

We've achieved over $35 million in sales for our clients. Let us help you.

Q: How do I know this works?
A: That's a fantastic question! We've achieved tremendous results for businesses similar to yours in the past. In fact, we've driven over $35 million in sales for our clients. Given our track record, we're confident we can deliver significant results for you too.

Q: What is the setup fee for?
A: Another great question! The setup fee covers the costs of any independent contractors or software we may need to ensure you get the best results possible. It's an investment in making sure your campaign starts on the right foot.

Q: How does creating content for my company’s social media profiles help me make money?
A: Think of social media as digital real estate. The content you create and post acts like billboards visible to millions at any time. The more online presence you have, the more visibility you get. This increased visibility boosts the likelihood of interactions with your business, potentially leading to sales.

Q: What kind of budget would I need for ads?
A: Excellent inquiry! To get your ads converting effectively, we recommend a daily budget of $50-$100, which translates to $1,500-$3,000 per month. If the ads perform well and you're seeing returns, we might suggest increasing the budget to maximize your sales from the campaigns.

Q: Do you offer any guarantees?
A: While we have utmost confidence in our expertise and ability to assist any business, marketing is a field where guarantees can't be explicitly offered. However, with over $35 million in sales accomplished for our clients by doing precisely what we plan for your business, we're optimistic about achieving similar success for you. Though we can't provide guarantees, our past successes make us confident in our approach.

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